Monday, January 7, 2013

Z's 1st birthday! 12/21/12

I can't believe our baby is 1 years old! It doesn't seem possible.  I knew the time went by fast with my nieces and nephews, but with your own kid, man...time flies when you are having fun right?!  And that is DEFINITELY what we have with this little one! She is seriously perfect in every way!  Here are some pictures of the special lady on her birthday!  I hung streamers up for when she woke up.  When I went in her room when she woke up on the 21st (Fri) she was so confused.  lol.  I thought she would pull them down more, but they actually stayed up.  She did have fun going through them though.  My parents came up for the weekend!  I was so excited and I know Z was too! :)  They came over Friday and we hung out all day.  During Z's nap, my mom and I made Z's "dog" cake.  Have I mentioned how much she LOVES dogs?!  She gets so excited when she hears a dog bark, let alone when she sees one.  So even though I wasn't really going to throw her a party at this age, I still wanted to make a cake.  (more of that to come)... So that night, My parents, Kev's parents, sister and brother and my sis Jamie and her family went to City creek to eat and then we went to the temple to see the lights and nativity.  Since having Zealynn, I wanted to think of some more traditions we can start in our family.  This year, I wanted to go to temple square with blankets or hats and gloves or a cooked chicken...something where there would be homeless people.  There are usually a lot of people holding signs this time of year especially.  We don't really have a lot of money to give, but it's so cold outside that I wanted to give them something.  My mom brought a big fleece blanket and a hat and we bought a chicken and found 2 different people that we thought looked like they needed it. The lady we gave the hat and blanket too...I was blown away.  She was the sweetest lady, just in a hoody (in like 10 degree whether) and she looked so cold.  She was so excited and we couldn't help but get emotional.  I love this time of year and I hope we can remember always, the true meaning of Christmas.  

 After lights, we went home for cake and ice cream and presents.  Here's her dog cake!
 ...and cupcakes for everyone else.  (there were a couple trial ones as you can see) :)
 This is her "ooo" face.  She does this often :)
 We all said "yay" when she dug her hands in it and that is when she threw her hands up. lol

 Beard like Uncle Chad :)

 She loves to feed people
 Some of the crew.  We had skype my sis Jenn and Grandma Lane and her sister Great Aunt Dorene so they could see Z open presents and the cake. LOVE technology!
 My sis Jenn got this dog on black Fri.  Everyone knows how much Z loves dogs...and man, did this blow her away.  it barks and whimpers and moves it's head and goes up and down.  She was in love (and still is).
 Aunt Kiley made this bow for Z
 Glimpse of the dog again.
 My sis got Z that cute little skirt.  And Z loves this car/shopping cart from my parents. (and i'm obsessed with the outfit Kev's parents got Z) :) of that to come! :)

 Z was mad because I tried pushing her head in the cake. lol.  Didn't, she has some neck muscles! :)

Love you so much baby girl!  You have been such a joy in our home and are so excited to learn more from you!!

1 comment:

aprilaleman said...

1. You look really beautiful in all these pictures, but especially that first one.

and 2. I can't believe she is 1 either... thats crazy. But happy b-day Z!!!!!