Friday, November 9, 2012

Our 10 month old

Zealynn turned 10 months old on 10/21/12.  We went to the canyon to take some pictures of her. I was hoping we would have more colors, but the leaves were pretty much gone in the canyon.  I think we still got some cute ones though! :)  We love our baby girl!!! Z is getting so big! She is such a character!  She has 6 teeth  (4 on top and 2 on bottom).  She is so happy and loves people.  She always cracks a smile and waves when she sees someone and people always comment on how happy she is.  I work at a kids care at the gym and she loves it there.  She is very social, but also likes to explore the toys on her own.  She has found the slide and loves climbing up the stairs so I thought instead of taking her off all the time, she might as well learn how to do it safely.  So that's what she does.  She climbs up the stairs, turns around on the landing and slides down on her belly with a big grin and a little scream saying "wee". i love it!  Although, now that she is trying to take steps, she thinks that means she can be a big girl and walk down the slide.  When I tell her no, she just laughs and shakes her head.  So on that note, here's a little bit more about our baby girl:
- She is a petite little thing.  At 9 months she only gained 12 oz from her 6 month appt.  She can wear 3 month shirts and onesies and 6 month skirts.  Her waist is so little but her legs are long.  She has 12 month pants and only fit if there are elastics.  It's nice that she can wear a lot of her smaller clothes though!
- She still loves the outdoors and will cry if Kev or I leave.  However, it's not because we are leaving, it's because she wants to go outside.
- She is a mover! She is so fast at crawling, we can't turn our head for a second otherwise she will be crawling to the bathroom, the plants, or the stairs.  We always know where she is if we haven't heard her for awhile.  She has really thinned since crawling.
- As of Oct. 30th (10 months and 9 days) she took 4 steps.  She has taken up to 4 on multiple occasions on her own, but is REALLY good with her little walker.  She can move anywhere and has learned to turn it while standing.  She looks so little doing it! 
- She has picked up on signing.  I always felt she understood it because she would respond when I would sign it. (Look at the water cup when I asked if she wanted water, etc.) As of this week, (10 1/2 months) she has been on a roll with the signs, especially when she watches the movie.  She signs, dog, eat, more, shoes, hat, and car with the movie.  
- She said her first word! Well, at least I am pretty sure!  And what was it?  DOG! She signed it and said "do" (without the g).  She may have said Ma or Da before but this was the first time when I gave her her stuffed animal she said the same thing over and over with her sign.  
- She takes 2 naps, but has lately been taken 1 nap.  She will hold off when we are at work and will sleep as soon as we go home.
- She eats really well, but as of last week, she has been wanting real solids instead of baby food.  Every now and then she'll still take it though.  She is still nursing about 3-5 times a day.  It kind of depends if we are still at home or not. She is obsessed with bananas and cherrios and any of those gerber graduate things.  She loves bread, rice, pancakes, peas also.  
- She is going to be a wonderful big sister. (No, that's not an announcement).  At the kid care, if a baby comes in, Zealynn goes crazy.  I mean, REALLY crazy.  She starts screaming with excitement (that can also scare some of the kids) and will jump up and down and sometimes want to get in the car seat with them.  She has sucked on some toes before too. whoops! lol Just trying to show some affection I guess?!
- She loves her car seat.  Once we take it out to go somewhere she always starts crawling over to us really fast to get in.  She will get in and try to help fastened it.  
- She is not a shoe fan.  As soon as we put them on, she'll take them off to chew on them.  Then she'll take her socks off.  I like putting tights on her because she tries to get them off and she can't! haha! fooled u baby! :)
- She is a tough little miss.  We try not to run to her for every fall (because let's be honest, we would be running A LOT) so she has learned to catch herself and when she falls, she just rolls over and stands back up like it never happened.  Sometimes I wait for her to scream, but she just looks at me like "I'm ok" and finds another toy.
- She absolutely loves to sing.  It is another one of my favorites.  No matter where we are, if a song comes on (the hymns in church, music at the grocery store, in the elevator, on tv, etc.) she will sing a very high pitch tone.  I love it.  Since she was little I enjoyed singing to her and Aunt Kiley (Kev's sister) is a singer so she sings to her a lot.  Well, now Kiley plays guitar and Zealynn wants to play it to.  I have a video of her singing and wanting to play the guitar.  It's hilarious.  I wonder if she is going to be a singer when she's older?  
- Still loves shaking that head and especially loves dancing.  Her favorite dancing song is "Footloose" and she'll stop whatever she is doing and start moving it.
- She loves hats and will put anything that could resemble a hat on her head and right before she'll sign "hat". 
- Still blows zerberts on my belly.  If I show even a little bit of my stomach, she'll crawl up to my belly and put her whole face down and blow and then will start laughing.  She's been doing this a couple months, I hope she doesn't stop doing it anytime soon!

Anyway...there are so many things we love about her.  She has our heart and we are so in love with everything about her.  She makes us so happy! I can't believe how fast time has flown by!! 


Rick and Kori said...

Wow! She really is such a teeny little thing! She sounds like such a joy and I'm so impressed she is signing! Thats awesome! Such a cutie :)

Heidi said...

SO cute! She's not only 10 months now though is she?

Josh and Kaleena said...

Yes, so cute! And you got some great pictures of her. Take as many as you can, it just gets harder when they can move even more. They grow up so fast don't they? (That sounds like something grandmas say, but it's because it's true!)