Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Carter James Ward born 7/30/10

That's right! We got another beautiful baby in our family!! Carter James Ward was born on July 30th at 11am. He is the cutest and we are so grateful to be his Aunt and Uncle! He is our 12th and we love him to pieces...just like the other 11!! Being an Aunt and Uncle is seriously so amazing, so thanks to my brothers and sisters for making us one! :) Carter is the second child of my sister Jenn and brother in law, James. Carter's due date was on the 29th, but that day came and went, much to my sister's dismay! Kev got to California on that Wednesday and I was arriving Friday night. Carter came Friday morning... I still think it's because he was waiting for me to come! :) I'll have to ask him when he's older if that was the real reason! I arrive Friday night and Saturday afternoon we headed to the hospital to spend some time with them. James, Jenn and Carter at the hospital.
Sweet Carter. He weighed 9.5 lbs and was 20 1/2 inches long!
I love all his hair!! He looks SO much like Jocelynn when she was born!
The proud Uncle and Aunt

We love when "our" babies lay on us like this!
Jocelynn does this's so funny. Everytime I say, "Joce, let's take a pic" and I move it so I am taking the picture...she makes different faces. We look at it and I say, "JOCE!" and she laughs and says she'll take another one..
And this is what the next one looks like! haha!
I have to tickle her to get her to smile.'s so funny to look at all the pictures I have with her lately. She knows I don't know she's doing these crazy faces until I look at it and she thinks it's the funniest thing ever. Usually she has a tongue sticking out by the 5th one. :)
The proud big sister. She loves her baby brother!

The happy family. Such a BEAUTIFUL family!!
Jenn is such an awesome Mom!
Grandma came for another visit!
Us at the hospital

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You two have got to be the best aunt and uncle ever!!! I love the way you love all your nieces and nephews. So cute.