Saturday, January 12, 2013


This year we had Christmas in Roosevelt with Kev's family.  Kev had to work on Christmas eve, but we all went down on Sat. the 22nd.  Kev got to Roosevelt the 24th in the afternoon.  On the 23rd, it's Aunt Kiley's bday so these first pics are from her opening her presents.  Z loves draping herself with clothes, towels, or anything of that sort.  
 Z and uncle bry
 Z using a bag as her purse
 Z playing with Aunt Dana
 Clothes on the head.  She usually drapes pants like a scarf
 christmas morning!! Z woke up bright and early :)
 She got a cute piggy bank that matches her room!
 and we got her yogurt bites :)...ok...we got her sippy cups , gerber graduates, bowls and utensils too. :)
 AND she got her big girl car seat.  I forgot to take a pic of it though!  That was her "big present" I guess.  ;) Kev also surprised her with a book and that just melted my heart.  He got her the Ugly Duckling and said he wants to teach her what this book is about. This year, we said we weren't going to buy anything for each other. We had spent a lot of money for job interviews so we were happy with not buying anything for our anniversary or Christmas.  (Our 6th anniversary was on the 30th).  Kev told me though, "please don't get me anything, but i got you something.  If you get me something, I"ll have to take it back and I really want you to have it."  So what did he get me?  The Kindle Fire! I was so happy! I've wanted it for sometime, but it's really hard for me to justify it. was a pleasant surprise, especially since Kev put all the apps on it and even put pictures on it so it would be all set. I LOVE taking it to the gym and it's so much easier to read while running with it instead of turning pages.  He also got me a coloring book and crayons! I know...what's that all about?! Well, I LOVE coloring and I have wanted a coloring book for a couple years now but never actually bought one for myself.  So Kev got me one and he bought one for Z so we could color together. :)
 Z got this cool little learning block thingy from Grandma and Grandpa Todd.. (not sure what it's called.) Well she loves to climb, and she climbed right on this thing and started riding it like a horse. lol it was so cute.  

 Kiley got the Kinnect and we had A LOT of fun playing with that!  It was seriously so fun and we were all working up a sweat for hours!!
 We were in Roosevelt until Fri the 28th.  Z had her one year appt!  She did well even though she had 3 shots (well 4 including her second dose of the flu vaccination).  She was running all over the place.  She was 18 lbs 8 oz (15%)...30 something inches for height (90th%).  She is still our tall skinny little thing!! Oh how we love her! That night, we all went to the Jazz game vs. the Clippers.  Such an AWESOME game.  Toward the last 5 minutes, Z was getting restless and just wanted to run.  So I took her down to the lobby area where the cheerleaders and the bear was!  She went crazy and ran after the Bear when she saw him running.  He came up to her and she was a little more nervous when he was close up.  I don't blame her though...the face is kinda creepy up close.  She kept calling him "Dog" and signing it. :)  
 Then Saturday morning we headed up to Brighton for an AWESOME day of snowboarding!  Aunt Kiley and Grandma Todd watched Zealynn (thank you so much) and it was nice to feel like we were in college again (snowboarding was kev and mine first date).
 That night we took family more pics to come! :)

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