Sunday, July 28, 2013

4th of July

We had a fun 4th of July of just relaxing and at night we went just to a local firework place at the park.  I knew Z would love it with all the people.  Last year, Z was 6 months and she absolutely was obsessed with the fireworks.  THis year was no different.  She was so hyper running everywhere loving everyone around her.  She even backed up into a neighbor watching the show and sat on their lap to watch with them. lol

 She sat for about 10 minutes in a 35 minute show.  It was an awesome firework show.

 Oh and all of these pics are so stinkin cute to me.  She just hopped on Kev while he was watching the firework show.

 In her words, she likes to go "wee."  She says "wegowee" and this is what she wants to do, or go on the swing.
 bahaha this face. such a goober clapping and screaming the louder the fireworks got.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Randoms of June

Always needs to do something extreme.  lol She rolled the car on Kev and thought "hmm...I'll take a seat on that..."
 then daddy thought "we can make you go higher"...
Then after he brought her down she thought "hey, I know how to stand on this thing!"
 And Z thought, "I'll surprise daddy and jump off"....

 BAHAHAHA...chocolate in your teeth while making a monkey sound is what this face looks like! oh my gosh I was dying.
 Z loves her babies and she loves putting blankets on them and putting them to sleep.  She's going to be an amazing big sister. (no that's not an announcement)

 Loves to color
 This night right after I took her out of the bath and put her pj's on then went to go get some milk, she decided she wasn't done with the bath. (I usually drain it right after, but this time I didn't)

Camping in Little Deer Creek 6/28-6/30

Kev's bro, Bryan was coming into town for the weekend and we all wanted to go camping and rent some four wheelers.  We did it a couple years ago and had a blast so we had to!  It was a blast.  Grandpa Todd even got a side by side so Zealynn could go!  She loved it (fell asleep in it every time!)  It was the only way she would take a nap while camping, so I would say it was a success! :) Here she is giving "knuckles" to Uncle Bry.
 Kev giving Z a ride on the quad.

 Second day of falling asleep. :)

 The view was amazing! Love our dirty faces!

 Cooling off in one of the creeks.  Z loved that part of course.